Be 18 years of age or older
Resides in North Dakota
Have a Mental Health or Substance Use Disorder diagnosis impacting functionality in multiple domains including housing, employment, parenting, physical health, and/or community connections.
Program Services
Care Coordination - a care coordinator assists with short and long-term goals, barriers, and provides a source of connection and support.
Peer Support - a peer support specialist is an individual with similar lived experience that offers hope, support and advocacy.
Recovery Services - access to services or programs to assist an individual with meeting their needs and goals.
Provides community-based behavioral health services designed to assist individuals through the provision of care coordination and peer support.
Due to significant program growth, Community Connect has implemented a priority waitlist as of November 1, 2023. Once your application has been processed, you will receive a notification indicating the status of your application (approved, placed on the waitlist or denied). This notification will be sent via your identified preferred method of communication (mailing address or email address).
The prioritization process will consider multiple areas of need to determine which applicants will be referred for services each month. Areas of need include, but are not limited to current homelessness, caregiver/parent status, involvement with Child Protection Services or like services, pregnancy and recent intravenous drug use.