• Resides in North Dakota
• 18 years of age or older
• Involved in the criminal justice system in one of the following ways:
1. The person has been charged with a crime and granted pre-trial release;
2. The person was sentenced to a term of supervised probation without a preceding term of incarceration in a DOCR facility; OR
3. The person was incarcerated in a DOCR facility and is transitioning on parole status or serving a term of supervised probation to follow incarceration.
• The individual evidences criminogenic risk indicated by a Levels of Service Inventory, Revised (LSI-R) score of 34 or greater*
• The individual evidences a serious behavioral health condition
*The LSI-R (Level of Service Inventory - Revised) is an assessment tool used by the DOCR to score the level of risk of recidivism. The primary population FTR will serve will have a score of 34 or higher. However, exceptions may be made by the FTR Clinical Administrator based on additional risk factors identified.
Program Services
Free Through Recovery is a community based behavioral health program designed to increase recovery support services to individuals involved with the criminal justice system who have behavioral health concerns.
Care Coordination: Includes an ongoing source of connection, helping participants access treatment and recovery support services, and creatively addressing barriers to individual success. It also includes the provision of assessment, care planning, referrals, and monitoring collaboration with clinical services and probation and parole.
Recovery Services: Includes access to supportive housing, educational opportunities, meaningful employment, leisure activities and wellness, family and community social supports, parenting education, spiritual engagement, nourishment assistance programs, and any other individualized resources needed to help participants lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
Peer Support: Connection with a peer who has similar lived experience. Peer support specialists provide mentorship, advocacy and additional recovery support.
Improving access to effective, community-based services to serve people in the criminal justice system.
The mission of Free Through Recovery is to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce recidivism by delivering high-quality community behavioral health services linked with community supervision.